The course will begin on

26 April, 2024

Don't wait too long!

Price is going up soon

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


For independent learners only

This course is perfect for you if you're an independent learner who prefer to study the material autonomously without requiring additional clarification or support.

You get what you see in your student course page, you won't get any extra support or clarification.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Introduction ITA

    1. Inspirational quote N.1

    1. Passato prossimo and direct pronouns

    2. Passato Prossimo and direct pronouns ITA

    3. Exercise

    1. Clothing

    2. Clothing ITA

    3. Clothing: Translation of the texts in the video

    4. Exercise: Shopping

    1. Congratulations! You can do it!

    1. Vocabulary: Seasons

    2. Vocabulary: Seasons ITA

    3. What's your favourite season?

    4. What's your favourite season? ITA

About this course

  • €180,00
  • 117 lessons

Ready for the next level?

Enroll now to reach a pre-intermediate level!

Sos Italian Grammar in Action is UNIQUE, like you!

  • More than 25 modules

    You'll get video lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and cultural insights, providing a well-rounded course experience

  • Active learning

    The course is designed to encourage learners to put theory into practice. It includes units with numerous exercises and some spoken activities.

  • Inspirational quotes

    As you advance through the course, you'll encounter some inspiring quotes to help you stay motivated and focused.

  • Life in Italy

    Learn about life in Italy with some short cultural videos in Italian (with English translation)

  • Increasing difficulty

    Topics are organized in a progressive order of difficulty, you to dedicate the right amount of time and effort to understand and master each concept.

  • Certificate

    Your Italian learning dedication deserves recognition. So, you'll get a completion certificate to celebrate your achievements!

In addition, you'll get

Exclusive material included in the Diamond Plan

  • Bilingual lessons

    €150 value

    Exclusive video lessons in both Italian and English, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Take the leap!

Elevate your Italian from beginner to pre-intermediate with me!

Join this course if

  • You already have a level A1 and want a well-organized course created by an experienced teacher to help you progress in Italian and reach a level A2.

  • You're ready to take detailed notes, focused on learning Italian grammar and words, and excited to use them well when making sentences.

  • Even after studying Italian for years, you still face ongoing mistakes and want to review some topics to improve your language abilities.

Don't join this course if

  • You don't like grammar and don't have the time to learn Italian.

  • You think that listening to native speakers or watching movies is enough to learn Italian.

  • You're unwilling to push your boundaries, take notes, and put some constant effort to learn Italian.

Ready to advance?

Join my Italian Grammar course today to get to a pre-intermediate level!

Your course instructor

Chiara B.

As an enthusiastic online Italian teacher, I've taught Italian for 10 years to people of different nationalities. I'm good at understanding learners' needs, connecting with them, and simplifying complex topics as much as I can to make learning easier. Beyond teaching, I do many things related to the Italian language. I translate from English into Italian, create valuable content on my website, and write books for people who're learning Italian, as the Sos Italian Grammar series. As you can see, I'm deeply committed to help people discover the beauty of my wonderful language and learn it!


  • Who's this course for?

    This course is designed for those who have already attained an A1 level in Italian and are committed to putting in the effort and dedication required to advance their language skills and reach an A2 level.

  • Do I require any prior knowledge of Italian to begin the course?

    Yes, you need to have an A1 level in Italian to take this course.

  • What language is the course taught in?

    The main language used in the course is English. But, there are parts in Italian, like short texts and cultural videos. Plus, if you choose the diamond plan, you'll have access to lessons in both English and Italian.

  • What level will I be at the end of the course?

    After finishing this course, you'll move from a basic level (A1) to a pre-intermediate level (A2) in Italian.

  • Does the entire course have only grammar?

    While the course focuses extensively on grammar, it also includes vocabulary, short texts, and cultural videos to provide insights into life in Italy. Moreover, throughout the course, there's a continual emphasis on using the learned grammar to communicate.

  • Are the resources in the course downloadable?

    All the course materials are only accessible online. This method encourages your full dedication by promoting active participation, like note-taking, which helps with remembering and improves the way you learn.

  • Will I have lifetime access to the course?

    Access to the course is granted for one year from the date of purchase. This will give you more than enough time to complete the entire curriculum and review it. Research indicates that courses with lifetime access often experience lower completion rates due to lack of dedication. Setting a one-year duration encourages focus and goal achievement. My aim is your success, and this timeframe is designed to support that.

  • Will I have support during the course?

    No, the Standard and Silver plans are designed for independent learners, meaning I won't be available to answer any questions or doubts you may have. If you anticipate needing assistance with course-related questions, I recommend joining the Diamond Plan.

  • Is it possible to receive a refund if the course doesn't meet my expectations?

    Unfortunately, once the course is purchased, refunds are not possible. I strongly belive in the quality of this course and I have been transparent about its contents. You can preview some lessons for free to see if the course suits you before buying. Once you decide to purchase it, I highly recommend making the most of it by fully committing yourself to the course to improve your Italian language skills.